Italy’s Inside Over magazine on the Palestine lab

Italy’s Inside Over magazine on the Palestine lab

My book, The Palestine Laboratory, was recently released in Italy. Here’s my interview with the Italian outlet Inside Over where we discuss the war in Gaza and Israel being a model for ethno-nationalism: Così la Palestina è diventata un laboratorio: parla Loewenstein

Talking about the Palestine lab in Bulgaria

The global reach of my book, The Palestine Laboratory, constantly astounds me. This is my first interview on Bulgarian National Television, talking about Israel’s war against Gaza and the use of AI-enabled warfare. The segment starts at 16:20.

Profiting from endless war in Gaza

Profiting from endless war in Gaza

The Listener is one of New Zealand’s finest magazines. Here’s my interview with the outlet in a long piece detailing my research around my book, The Palestine Laboratory, and how Israel is using Gaza as a testing ground for new weapons post 7 October: TheListenerPDF

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